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Foreign citizens and stateless persons may:

  • enter Uzbekistan on private and official business, as tourists, for vacation, study and work purposes, treatment, for permanent residence;
  • enter Uzbekistan and transit through its territory only if they have entrance visas (invitation visa, transit visa, visa upon  arrival, e-visa), excluding citizens of countries with which there is a different procedure for obtaining entry visas.

Grounds for issuing entry visas to Uzbekistan
  • an invitation;
  • transit travel through the territory of Uzbekistan.

Place of issue of entry visas to Uzbekistan
  • diplomatic missions and consular offices of Uzbekistan abroad, and in the absence of such it is possible to obtain visas:
  • Visa Sections of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan at the airports of Uzbekistan, having the status of international, upon  arrival into the country
  • or by issuing electronic visa through the official e-visa portal (e-visa) of Uzbekistan.

Documents required for registration of entry visas

List of documents depending on the type of visa can be found here.

Tariffs of consular fees (state duty) for processing and issue of entry visas:

For single entry visas
  • up to 7 days — 40 USD;
  • up to 15 days — 50 USD;
  • up to 30 days — 60 USD;
  • up to 3 months — 80 USD;
  • up to 6 months — 120 USD;
  • up to 1 year — 160 USD;

Note: for each additional entry the fee increases by 10 USD.

For multiple entry visas
  • up to 6 months — 150 USD; 
  • up to 1 year — 250 USD.

For transit visas
  • up to 72 hours — 40 USD; 
  • double entry transit visa — 50 USD

For group visas (groups must consist of not less than 5 persons excluding children under 16 years old):
  • up to 15 days — 15 USD per person; 
  • up to 30 days — 25 USD per perso


Note: fees for reimbursement of actual expenses connected with visa processing are collected as well.

Amount of such fees depends on the place of visa processing (regardless of the citizenship of the applicant).

Time period of entry visas to Uzbekistan: - not more than 1 year

Note: Different procedure for issuance of entry visas may be applied to the citizens of those countries that have appropriate bilateral agreements with Uzbekistan.

Extension of entry visas

Visa extension means the extension of the permit for legal stay in the territory of the republic, which is done by issuing a new visa with an updated validity period.

In the case of accreditation of a foreign citizen it entails a change in the type of visa.

Depending on the category of a foreign citizens the extension of the period of validity of visas of Uzbekistan is carried out by:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan (MFA) and its subdivisions in the territory of Uzbekistan

а) employees (and their family members on their dependence) of the permanent representations of foreign countries, international organizations and media, accredited in MFA or Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan.

b) members of official and parliamentary delegations;

c) other persons with diplomatic status;

d) arrived upon the invitation of foreign citizens referred to in subparagraph " a " but not more than 2 times.

Multiple entry visas to foreign citizens, considered in the subparagraph «а» are issued for the period of their accreditation, and to other citizens, indicated in the subparagraph «b», «c» and «d» — for the period of up to 1 year.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan (MIA), MIA of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, directorate of international affairs of regions and Tashkent city

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Uzbekistan, MIA of Karakalpakstan, Departments of Internal Affairs of the regions and Tashkent city issue and extend the validity period of exit visas from Uzbekistan (exit, exit-entry) for the following categories of foreign citizens ( and members of their families)  not specified in an above list of individuals who issue and extend visas from MFA.

a) employees of permanent representations of firms and companies accredited in the State Committee of Uzbekistan on investments, upon the presence of documents confirming the accreditation of the employee of the representative office;

The visa is issued on the basis of the application of a permanent representation of the foreign firm or company.

b) employees of foreign banks or other financial organizations registered in Uzbekistan in accordance with the procedure established by law, if there are documents confirming the inclusion of a foreign citizen into the staff of a foreign Bank or other financial organization;

The visa is issued on the basis of an application of a foreign Bank or other financial institution.

c) employees of joint ventures and enterprises with 100% foreign investment, employees of foreign firms registered or accredited in Uzbekistan, after obtaining a work permit of the Agency for Foreign

Labor Migration, unless otherwise provided by bilateral and multilateral intergovernmental agreements;

The visa is issued on the basis of the application  of the enterprise.

d) officials and specialists of foreign companies involved in the implementation of investment projects.

Visas are issued on the basis of application of the heads of ministries, departments and economic associations of Uzbekistan

State duty for the extension of a visa for a period of:
  • up to 7 days — 40 USD;
  • up to 15 days — 50 USD;
  • up to 30 days — 60 USD;
  • up to 3 months — 80 USD;
  • up to 6 months — 120 USD;
  • up to 1 year — 160 USD.


Entry to Uzbekistan may be denied in the following cases.

а) in the interest of national security or maintenance of public order;

b) if it is necessary for protection of rights and legal interests of citizens of Uzbekistan and other individuals;

c) if a person is involved in the activities of foreign terrorist, extremist and other criminal organizations;

d) if the individual has knowingly provided false information or failed to submit the required documents

e) if during the previous stay of the person the facts of violation of the procedure of entry and exit and rules of stay of foreign citizens in Uzbekistan, customs, currency or other legislation of Uzbekistan were established;

f) if a person is ill or has health problems that have a threat to the safety and health of society, and the disease is mentioned in the list approved by the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

g) if it is decided to restrict entry into the territory of Uzbekistan in accordance with the Regulation on the Reduction of the period of stay and expulsion from Uzbekistan in relation to him


Note: To issue and extend a visa to Uzbekistan, you can use the services of the Department of Diplomatic Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
