Legal consultation - free, fast, for everyone!

Our goal:

Promoting the development of legal awareness and legal culture in society and the provision of free legal assistance to the population

About us

The task to create the national information and legal portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan was set up by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the regular improvement of the system of increasing legal awareness and legal culture in society" on January 9, 2019.

  • To accomplish the set tasks, the Ministry of Justice has implemented "Initial free legal consultation" project together with the British Embassy in Tashkent. This project was created using the experience of Citizens Advice portal of Great Britain.

Regional bureaus

  • Thanks to a grant agreement between the British Embassy in Tashkent and the NGO Madad, territorial offices were created for the first time in 2019, with the financial support of the British Embassy in Tashkent and subsidies provided under the Grant Agreement, 12 regional bureaus were created in the districts (cities) of Uzbekistan, and in 2020, the number of regional bureaus increased to 60.
  • With the support and aid of the British Embassy, currently, 60 legal advice bureaus are operating effectively.

Results of the use of the site have indicated the necessity of expansion of its functional capabilities. New improved site was developed with the support of the USAID's Legal Reform Program. USAID LRP also provided capacity building of the NGO Madad by equipping its central office and regional bureaus and continues to provide professional development trainings to its staff and legal consultants.

For reference: Citizens Advice was founded in 1939 and provides free legal advice to citizens.

  • In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 741 "On measures to further improvement of the system of legal aid and providing people with legal information" on September 6, 2019. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on September 12, 2019 registered Madad institution as a non-governmental non-profit organization (NGO).
  • The primary goal of "Madad" NGO is to contribute to raise the legal awareness and legal culture of people by providing them with free legal aid online ( and face to face.

How we adviсe

You can find legal solutions to your problems through a special online consulting service.

You can also get direct legal advice through our regional bureaus.

How to use the online consultant service:

Legal advice is provided through the portal's online consulting service from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) from 09.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00.

Complaints received by the online consulting service of the portal do not consider in accordance with the law "On appeals of individuals and legal entities". Appeals will be answered in real time. 

It should be noted that all the information posted on the portal and the answers provided by online consultants have recommendatory value and are aimed at quickly finding a legal solution of the problem.

Our team


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