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Foreign citizens can study in secondary schools, colleges and higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan.

Education of foreign citizens in educational institutions is conducted in languages stipulated by the educational programs of relevant educational institutions.

The organization, instructional guidance and coordination of all work on the admission and training of foreign citizens in general education schools is carried out by the Ministry of Public Education in general education schools, and in other educational institutions by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

The basis for the admission of foreign citizens to educational institutions in Uzbekistan:
  • a) international treaties;
  • b) collective and individual agreements and contracts (including with foreign citizens who have arrived in the Republic on valid visas, regardless of the purpose of their arrival), subject to preliminary examination and registration by the Ministry of higher and secondary special education and the Ministry of public education of Uzbekistan.

Forms of education

Upon request of foreign citizens:

  • general secondary education;
  • secondary special, vocational education;
  • higher education;
  • postgraduate education.

Conditions of education

Foreign citizens are accepted into educational institutions of Uzbekistan on a paid-contract basis.

The cost of training on a fee-contract basis is determined by the State commission for admission to educational institutions of Uzbekistan.

Medical examination

Foreign citizens who come to study, must pass medical examination

List of medical institutions conducting medical examinations of foreign citizens before admission to education



Name of medical center


Republic Of Karakalpakstan

Republican Multi-Profile Medical Center



Regional Multi-Profile Medical Center



Regional Multi-Profile Medical Center



Regional Multi-Profile Medical Center



City Diagnostic Center



Regional Multi-Profile Medical Center



Regional Multi-Profile Medical Center



Regional Multi-Profile Medical Center



Regional Multi-Profile Medical Center



Regional Multi-Profile Medical Center



Regional Multi-Profile Medical Center



Regional Multi-Profile Medical Center



Regional Multi-Profile Medical Center


Tashkent city

City Diagnostic Center

List of diseases in which admission to educational institutions is not allowed
  1. Open forms of tuberculosis (actively developing pulmonary tuberculosis, tracheobronchial, abdominal and peripheral lymph nodes, large bones, larynx, intestine and skin active tuberculosis).
  2. Chronic lung disease, accompanied by progressive pulmonary heart failure (III degree).
  3. Dangerous tumor diseases of all stages, except in cases of radical treatment two years ago.
  4. Organic changes in the heart muscle and valves (congenital and acquired), accompanied by impaired blood circulation levels II and III.
  5. Diseases of the kidneys and other organs, accompanied by congestive renal failure.
  6. Endocrine diseases: congenital hypothyroidism and other congenital diseases leading to a decrease in mental activity.
  7. Conjunctivitis: thrills, aplastic convulsions.
  8. Severe diseases (encephalitis, meningitis, arachnoiditis, closed wounds of the brain and spinal cord, etc.), accompanied by congenital and chronic organic nervous diseases, as well as deep and persistent intellectual disabilities, psychopathic disorders, severe neurological symptoms or psychopathic complications.
  9. Continuously developing schizophrenia (normal, hebephrenic, paranoid types): a) schizophrenia with progression of lethargy (types: catotonic, galusinatory, paranoid); b) undulating schizophrenia (types: circular, depressive-paranoid, onyroid-catholic) in cases of frequent attacks and short-term remissions; c) congestive schizophrenia.
  10.  With frequent recurring attacks, without attacks and psychomotor attacks, as well as with severe mental disturbances and severe dysphoria.
  11. Epilepsy, accompanied by rare recurrent attacks, profound changes in personality and intellectual disorders, epileptic psychoses, frequent attacks of cyclothymia, manic depressive psychosis, frequent recurrent manic depressive States.
  12. Various types of pathological development of the personality, accompanied by a decrease in working ability, a pronounced type of psychopathy or frequent decompensation.
  13. Infectious stage of syphilis.
  14. I, II, III degree trachoma.
  15. Drug addiction, all types of substance abuse (except tobacco).
  16. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS / HIV).


Documents required for submission to get into educational institutions in Uzbekistan for foreign citizens:

Foreign citizens for admission to educational institutions of Uzbekistan submit the following documents to the relevant educational institution:

  • application for acceptance to the educational institution;
  • original documents on studied subjects and received marks (credits) on them;
  • medical report on health;
  • national passport (with a valid visa) or birth certificate;
  • 6 photos in size 4x6 cm.

Admission procedure

Foreign citizens are accepted into schools regardless of the presence or absence of education. If a foreign citizen is studying at that time in school, then he continues his education from the relevant class of the school.

To secondary special, professional educational institutions foreign citizens are accepted if they have education corresponding to the general secondary education.

To higher educational institutions foreign citizens may be admitted, if they have education corresponding to the general secondary or secondary special, vocational education.

Admission of foreign citizens is carried out according to the results of entrance tests in higher educational institutions. Foreign citizens from CIS countries are admitted to the bachelor's program of higher educational institutions based on the results of an interview conducted in an order determined by the institution of higher education.

Permission for testing (interviewing) foreign citizens is issued by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education.

The results of the tests (interviews) are the basis for the decision to enroll foreign citizens in higher education.


International students are entitled to:

  • participation in research work of departments, student scientific societies and other societies;
  • use of libraries of educational institutions, sports complexes, clubs and culture palaces;
  • participation in organized leisure tours.


International students are required to:

  • comply with the legislation of Uzbekistan, respect local customs and traditions, observe the established rules of stay and movement of foreign citizens in the Republic;
  • observe disciplines, participate in classes, perform all types of educational and indus work provided by curricula and programs, pass examinations in due time;
  • comply with internal regulations of the educational institution and student dormitory;
  • follow the instructions of the heads of educational institutions.


For non-learning the disciplines, violation of the internal regulations of the educational institution and student dormitory, as well as for other reasons stipulated by the legislation of Uzbekistan, administrative measures may be taken against foreign students, up to exclusion from the lists of the educational institution;

For violation of the rules of stay on the territory of Uzbekistan, they are expelled in the prescribed manner outside the country.

If foreign citizens who have arrived for training do not have the necessary funds, the costs of their expulsion from Uzbekistan are carried out by the relevant educational institution.

Learning process

The academic year in educational institutions begins on September 2. The time of the beginning and end of the holidays, their duration is set in accordance with the curricula of a particular educational institution.

Upon completion of education, foreign citizens are issued relevant documents of the established sample of education.
