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When carrying out customs control, the customs authorities may carry out the followings if necessary:
1. General provisions of the declaration of goods transported by individuals for non-commercial purposes in hand luggage and accompanied baggage:
The person declaring the goods is responsible for the accuracy of the information declared to the customs authority.
2. In order to declare the goods being moved, a dual corridor system can be applied.
Sample Passenger Customs Declaration
In road, railway and aviation checkpoints, customs control, declaration and inspection of passengers and baggage is carried out using a double channel system in the prescribed manner:
-Green channel
a place specially designated for arrival or departure, intended for individuals to move goods across the customs border for non-commercial purposes in hand luggage and accompanied baggage.
These goods are declared verbally, with the exception of goods the import or export of which is prohibited or restricted in accordance with the law, as well as goods whose value and / or quantity exceeds the duty-free import norms and the import rate of goods not subject to excise tax, by law.
-«Red» channel
a specially designated place in the places of arrival or departure for the movement of goods subject to Declaration in writing by individuals across the customs border, as well as goods in respect of which the Declaration is carried out at the request of an individual, in hand Luggage and accompanied baggage.
Passing through the "red" channel is considered for customs purposes as a statement to the customs authority that the said person has goods subject to written Declaration.
A foreign citizen passing through the "red" channel, fills in the Declaration. (ssilka on Declaration)
Declaration of goods in the "green" corridor is carried out orally.
The entrance to the "green" channel is indicated by a special graphic symbol in the form of an octagon of green color on a white background, as well as by the inscriptions "Yashil yo'lak", "Green corridor" and "Green channel", "Yozma deklaratsiyalanmaydigan tovarlar" "Goods not subject to written Declaration" and "Nothing to declare"made in the state, Russian and English languages.
Passage through the "green" channel is considered for customs purposes as a statement to the customs authority that the said person does not have goods subject to written Declaration.
In case of detection or availability of information on carrying out through the "green" channel of goods, the import or export of which is prohibited or limited, and the cost and (or) the amount exceeds the limits of import, not subject to customs duties, customs Declaration, customs officer has the right to apply to this person form of customs control to ensure compliance with customs legislation.
Imported and exported foreign currency in cash in excess of the amount equivalent to 2 000 (two thousand) US dollars is subject to customs control by its Declaration and presentation to the customs officer.
It is allowed to import foreign currency in cash into the territory of Uzbekistan in unlimited amount, in compliance with the rules of customs control.
Free export of cash in foreign currency outside Uzbekistan is allowed within the amount equal to or not exceeding the equivalent of 5 000 (five thousand) US dollars, in compliance with customs control rules.
Export in excess of the established amount is carried out by non-residents on the basis of the passenger customs Declaration filled while entering to Uzbekistan, in which the amount of foreign currency in cash is indicated not less than the amount of exported foreign currency in cash.
In case of export of cash foreign currency over the established amount by non-residents — prize-winners or participants of competitions, contests and the Olympic games organized in the Republic, the basis for export is the document that confirms the legality of receipt of foreign currency in cash.
Transfer of the document which is the basis for export of the cash foreign currency exceeding in equivalent of 5 000 (five thousand) US dollars to other persons is not allowed.
The marginal rate of importation of goods not subject to customs duties in the amount of
Norms of import of certain types of goods not subject to customs duties:
№ |
Name of goods |
Norms of import of goods, for one individual |
1. |
Alcohol products, including beer |
a total amount of not more than 2 liters |
2. |
All types of tobacco products |
a total of not more than 10 packs |
3. |
Perfumes and eau de toilette |
total not more than 3 units |
4. |
Jewelry from precious metals and precious stones |
with a total weight not exceeding 65 grams |
Quantitative norms of import through road (pedestrian), railway and river crossing points of the State border of the Republic of Uzbekistan by individuals of certain goods not subject to customs duties
№ |
Name of goods |
Amount |
Frequency |
1. |
Fridge |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
2. |
Freezer |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
3. |
Air conditioning |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
4. |
Washing machine |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
5. |
A vacuum cleaner |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
6. |
Gas cooker |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
7. |
Electric cooker |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
8. |
Television |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
9. |
Microwave |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
10. |
Oven |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
11. |
Electric meat grinder |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
12. |
Iron |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
13. |
Hair dryer |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
14. |
Food processor |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
15. |
Telephone, including mobile ones |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
16. |
Computer equipment |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
17. |
Printer and multifunction office device tablet PC |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
18. |
tablet PC |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
19. |
Laptop |
1 unit |
6 calendar month |
20. |
Dinnerware |
1 set |
6 calendar month |
21. |
Other goods ** |
2 kg of each item (except for indivisible goods), but not more than 10 kg of total weight |
1 calendar month |
These norms are applied only at the first border crossing of Uzbekistan in the established period.
The basis for determining the fact of crossing the border of Uzbekistan is the mark of the border services, stamped in the passport of an individual provided to the customs authority.
When importing any of the above goods in excess of the established norms and/or frequency, customs duties are charged in accordance with the established procedure.
The maximum norm in the amount of 5 000 (five thousand) us dollars has been established for export of goods from the country by an individual without submitting a customs Declaration.
№ |
Title |
Norms of export of goods, per individual |
1. |
Rice |
total weight not more than 3 kg |
2. |
Bakery |
total weight not more than 5 kg |
3. |
Meat and edible meat by-products |
total weight not more than 2 kg |
4. |
Sugar |
total weight not more than 2 kg |
5. |
Oil |
total weight not more than 2 kg |
6. |
Fresh fruits and vegetables, grapes, melons, legumes, as well as dried vegetables and fruits |
total weight not more than 40 kg |
Import and export of goods within the limits of the above norms is carried out without obligatory written Declaration.
(a) narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors (except as provided by law);
b) printed works, manuscripts, cliché, pictures, photos, films, negatives, cinema-, video - and sound recordings, recordings, recording, aimed at undermining state and public order, violation of territorial integrity, political independence and state sovereignty, promoting war, terrorism, violence, nationalism and religious hatred, racism and its forms (anti-Semitism, fascism), and pornographic content;
c) portable laser emitters;
g) explosives and blasting agents;
e) unmanned aerial vehicles.
narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors (except as provided by law).
Cultural values temporarily imported into Uzbekistan by foreign citizens (including heads of foreign diplomatic and consular missions) should be indicated in the relevant customs documents
The customs document is the basis for the re-export of these cultural values.
Passports for musical instruments and bows with marks of customs authorities are also the basis for their unimpeded export from Uzbekistan.
The notion of cultural values:
Cultural values are movable objects of the material world, representing national, historical, artistic, scientific and cognitive, spiritual,moral and other cultural significance.
Categories of objects related to cultural values consist of:
The following cultural properties created in the last 50 years do not require export permits:
For export from Uzbekistan of the cultural values created for the last 50 years and not specified above it is necessary to receive the certificate on the right of export of cultural values from Uzbekistan.
To obtain the appropriate certificate, the owner must submit the followings to the Ministry of culture of Uzbekistan:
For export of works of the press two copies of the list are provided.
The duration of considering the application (statement):
1.Temporary export of cultural property can be carried out:
2. The basis for the temporary export of cultural property is a certificate issued by the Ministry of culture of Uzbekistan.
To obtain a certificate of temporary export, an application is submitted, to which the following documents are attached
3. Grounds for refusal to issue a certificate of temporary export of cultural property:
Basic types |
Product name |
Ganch carving |
chandeliers; sconces; mirrors; round, oval and angular forms of ornaments; stalactites; friezes; cornices; elements of columns; lattices; figurines; panels; ceiling and wall ornaments and bases; architectural and construction elements and other decorative and applied products |
Carving |
all kinds of mass production products up to 40 cm |
Bone carving |
souvenir products; small plastic; netsuke; boxes; handles for knives, sabers, daggers; products with application of an inlay and other decorative and applied products made of bone |
Stone carving |
balusters, railings; Souvenirs; small plastic; netsuke; boxes; writing instruments; candlesticks; heraldry and state symbols; jewelry made of precious and ornamental stones and other decorative and applied products made of stone |
Handicrafts made of wood |
kitchen utensils (rolling pins, saltcellars, bread bins, butter churns, mortars, cutting boards, cakici); carvings of wood and plywood; cradle (including besiki-baby bed), baby walkers and accessories therefor; decorative and other household frames, decorative strips; picture frames (molding); turning shaped products; backgammon; chess boards and pieces |
Metal and tin products |
patterned pipes and drains; cast products (door and window handles, latches, chains, bells, candlesticks); kitchen utensils (kitchen knives, skimmers, ladles, colanders, sieve, mantyshnitsy); household utensils (hangers, wash basins, staples, sheds, Ketmen, choppers, rakes, forks); tools for carving wood, plaster, stone; Souvenirs (earrings, rings, bracelets, jewelry) |
Swords, daggers and knives |
all kinds of national sabers (souvenir), daggers and knives |
Chased (engraved) products |
bowls, plates, trays, vases, Chilim, candlesticks, chandeliers, sconces, door rings, door and window awnings, handles, chains, domes, locks; handles, sheath for knives, swords and daggers; kitchen appliances |
Porcelain, earthenware, ceramics |
tandoor; products up to 40 cm |
Hand carpet weaving |
carpets, felt products |
Hand weaving and knitting |
Atlas, bekasam, adras, a turban, a cloth made from natural silk, cotton, woolen, and synthetic yarns; wool products manually and mechanically (downy and woolen scarves, gloves, mittens, jurabi, socks, hats) |
Glass products |
sconces, figurines, gift items, jewelry (amulets, Tasbeeh, beads), made in the technique of the art of blowing; products made with the pattern and ornament on glass, mirror |
Gold embroidery product |
all types of products made in the technique of gold embroidery |
Embroidery |
small items with hand embroidery (50 cm x 50 cm) |
Tamping and stitching |
products made from different kinds of fabrics and made in the technique of printed cloth; batik; national clothes, national and kurpacha quilts, pillows (of Lula bolish); girdle; ribbon (iaci); bags. |
National gowns and headdresses |
robes (chapans, yaktiki, vests, children's bathrobes, wedding gowns); skullcaps; caps; turbans; hats made of fur, doodle and hand weaving materials |
Musical instruments |
all kinds of national musical instruments |
Miniature, painting, ornamental and enamel painting |
miniature, pictorial and ornamental painting on pumpkin, bone, papier-mâché, leather; paper. |
Products from volumetric and figured casting forms |
products made in the technique of casting from natural and synthetic building materials (stalactites, friezes, frames, cornices, chandeliers; sconces; round, oval and angular shapes of ornaments; columns; elements of architectural decor, as well as products cast in the artisanal method of copper, bronze , cast iron, aluminum |
Small sculptural plastic |
sculptural forms made of various types of natural and artificial materials (gypsum, chamotte, copper, bronze, aluminum, bone, wood, stone, ceramics, porcelain, faience) except for sculptural plastics with a height of more than 50 cm |
Toys |
toys and dolls made of wood, metal, plaster, fabric, ceramics and other natural and artificial materials |
Weaving |
wicker products made from plant materials (reed, willow, straw, vine, branches of various trees) |
Leather goods and shoes |
omen's ichigi (mahsi) and kovushi; men's chrome ichigi and kovushi; women's, canvas, canvas and nightmare boots; women's sandals; slippers and handmade shoes; saddles and harness, ropes and accessories; leather collars, belts, belts and accessories; manual manufacture of skins and the manufacture of national vests |
Souvenir products |
souvenir and gift items made from various natural and artificial materials (amulets, tasbehi, beads, earrings, rings, bracelets, jewelry, belts, badges) |
It is allowed to import drugs and medical devices without state registration and without customs clearance in the following cases:
For personal use
Without presentation of a document issued by a medical institution of the country of residence or stay, it is allowed for personal use to import and export:
In this case, one package must contain:
for solid (tablets, dragees, granules, powders, capsules) dosage forms - no more than 100 units;
Medicines and medical products must be in the manufacturer's packaging.
When imported in larger quantities, individuals submit to the customs authorities a document issued by the medical institution of the country of residence, indicating the name of the medicinal product intended for his personal use, his medicinal form and the recommended amount for the course of treatment.
When crossing the customs border at checkpoints, individuals are obliged to declare the presence of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
* For narcotic drugs - submit to the customs authority a document issued by the medical institution of the country of residence, indicating the name of the medicinal product, its dosage form and the recommended amount for the course of treatment
In case of exceeding the names and quantities of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances specified in the document issued by the medical institution and declared to the customs authority, the surplus is subject to seizure and destruction in the prescribed manner.
1. When a foreign vehicle is imported into Uzbekistan a special form in two copies “Obligation to re-export a vehicle” is issued by an employee of the customs entry point.
2. For registration of the form, the owner (driver) of a foreign vehicle must submit:
3. The first copy of the form remains in the records management of the entry customs post, the second copy is issued to the owner of a foreign vehicle (driver).
4. When using a foreign vehicle on the territory of Uzbekistan, its owner (driver) must always have with him the “Obligation to re-export a vehicle”.
5. The total period of stay in the customs territory of this vehicle may not exceed a total of ninety (90) calendar days in a calendar year.
6. The importation of a vehicle for a period exceeding this period is permitted subject to payment of a fee of USD 0.01 per day for each cubic centimeter of engine volume for each overdue day.