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All persons, vehicles and goods crossing  the state border are subject to

border (passport) control

Border control - verification of documents for the right to enter Uzbekistan.

Passengers go through border (passport) control, during which their documents for the right to enter Uzbekistan are checked.

The ones, who has arrived without a visa, must contact the consulate for a visa on arrival

customs control

sanitary and quarantine control

Sanitary-quarantine control — a set of measures carried out by the sanitary-quarantine units of the territorial Center of the State sanitary-epidemiological supervision at checkpoints in respect of arriving persons, vehicles and goods across the State border.

The complex of anti-epidemic measures, medical and sanitary inspection of persons on epidemic indications, inspection of their vehicles and goods is carried out.

phytosanitary control

phytosanitary control is a set of activities carried out by state inspectors on plant quarantine at the checkpoints for checking goods, quarantine products and plants transported (transit) across the customs border of Uzbekistan.

The plant quarantine unit may detain, withdraw, and, if necessary, return quarantine products upon detection of quarantine objects (harmful organisms that have quarantine elements in the world).

Rules of import and export of quarantine products (plants)

It is possible to import into and export from Uzbekistan all plants except for the objects of regulated products.

Importation into the country of products under the control of plant quarantine (regardless of the volume and purpose) is allowed only on the basis of:

  • quarantine permit issued by the State Plant Quarantine Inspectorate under the Cabinet of Ministers;
  • phytosanitary certificate issued by an authorized state body of the country from which they arrive.


Quarantine products that do not have a quarantine permit or phytosanitary certificate will be withdrawn and liquated.

In this case, the state plant quarantine inspector shall draw up an act in two copies, a copy of which shall be given to the owner of the product.

The admission of individual fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables not infected with plant quarantine objects in the hand Luggage of passengers is allowed by the state inspector for plant quarantine.

Veterinary supervision

Veterinary supervision is a set of activities carried out by the border control veterinary points in regard to animals and products of animal origin for the purpose of protecting the life and health of people and animals, and also for the purpose of inspection of items and goods which can be carriers of animal diseases.

Goods controlled by the state veterinary service:
  • animals,
  • products and feedstock of animal origin,
  • veterinary medicinal products,
  • strain of microorganism,
  • feed and feed additives,
  • veterinary technical means
  •  plant foods sold in markets.

***These goods are subject to mandatory state veterinary supervision at border crossing points of Uzbekistan.


1. It is forbidden to move these goods in hand Luggage and Luggage of individuals, as well as in postal items for personal use without permission and without a veterinary certificate of the country of departure of the goods, except for the import of up to 5 kilograms per individual of finished products of animal origin in the original packaging.

2. For dogs, cats and other non-productive animals (in the amount of not more than 2 heads) and birds (in the amount of not more than 10 heads) belonging to persons entering and leaving Uzbekistan, a veterinary certificate or veterinary certificate shall be issued without the permission of the relevant body of Uzbekistan in the PCVP after appropriate inspection.

To get acquainted with the lists of goods supervised by the state veterinary service of the Republic of Uzbekistan follow this link.
  • The pass is carried out according to valid documents for the right to cross the State border.
  • The final decision on admission is taken by the border control unit after they have passed all the above-mentioned types of control at the checkpoint.


Priority pass order at the state border

Priority order of admission on the state border:

  • persons who are seriously ill, persons with obvious signs of pregnancy and disability, children under the age of 7, their accompanying persons and the vehicles in which they are travelling;
  •  vehicles carrying out regular transportation of passengers in international traffic;
  • live animals, perishable goods, radioactive materials, communications and other media materials;
  • goods required in the aftermath of natural disasters, accidents, catastrophes, sent as humanitarian aid, other similar goods, as well as vehicles on which they are moved;
  • goods sent to diplomatic missions and consular offices of Uzbekistan abroad;
  • goods sent to the highest legislative, executive and judicial authorities of Uzbekistan.

Restriction at checkpoints

When staying at the checkpoint it is prohibited to:

  • take photo and video without the permission of the head of the border control unit;
  • use mobile gadgets;
  • offer “material values” to employees of state control bodies;
  • enter the checkpoint or office premises of the checkpoint in violation of the established procedure;

bring without appropriate permissions to the territory of the checkpoint weapons, explosives and other objects (substances) that are dangerous for  life or health of others.

Legal acts

Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December  21, 2017  No. 1007 “ On improvement of the procedure of the organization of border, customs, sanitary quarantine, phytosanitary control and veterinary supervision in check points across state border of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
